By Monique Polak on Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Category: MyBlog

Back to Kindergarten!

What, you may ask, was I doing today in a kindergarten class?

Having fun -- and working!

Lately, I've been concentrating mostly on my new manuscript. I've done some book reviewsfor The Gazette recently, but not much in the way of feature stories. But a couple of weeks ago, an interesting story idea came my way. I heard from a local yoga teacher named Aline Reizian; she and her business partner Stephanie Sohan, teach yoga to really little kids. So today, I went to see them in action. Boy, were those kindergarten kids ever cute! You should have seen how peaceful they looked during the breathing exercises, and then how loud they roared when they did the lion position. When the kids heard I was writing a story for The Gazette, they all wanted to be quoted for the article. Maria told me, "I like yoga." Sophia said, "It's fun." And Alex said, "At home, I do yoga and karate with my brother." 

It was good to be around kids. And just think, in about 10 years from now, they'll be old enough to read my books. Guess what I'm going to go downstairs now and do -- in front of the blazing fire in our fireplace?

 Some yoga stretches. I want to roar like a lion, too!!

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