By Monique Polak on Thursday, 24 September 2009
Category: MyBlog

Back to the Drawing Board!

So it's time to "get back to the drawing board" -- or in my case, the carpet! I do some of my best story planning on the pink and green and red and blue and yellow carpet in my littleoffice in Montreal.

I'm officially about halfway through the new manuscript and I think I "likey"!! (I think writers can never be sure about their own work -- it's like having a baby, you can't be objective about your own creation!! Is he handsome or does he look like a little bald man?) Anyway, I need to take some big steps back before I can move ahead into the second half of this manuscript.

So here's my plan for today: I'm going to settle down on the carpet with all my notes (Hilroy pages and torn scraps and old napkins...) and figure out how to GET HOME. Because that is what this part of the process feels like: I've been on a journey, I took some new roads, and now well, I need to plan how to reach my final destination. And when I get there, I know already that it's going to feel like HOME.

So that's it for today's blog entry. I've got notes to read and a carpet to see! Haven't had comments from you blog readers out there for a while -- so don't be shy, send me a note. I'd love it.

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