By Monique Polak on Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Category: MyBlog

Devoir reculer...

Hope the French title won't put you off from reading today's blog entry. I'm reviewing a fun book for The Gazette -- it's called Petite Anglaise, and it's the true story of Catherine Sanderson, a young British woman living in Paris, and how she starts a really successful blog called "Petite Anglaise." Apparently, she gets 100,000 visitors a month. Let's just saythat's a few more than I get!!!!

Anyway, sometimes when your mind is working on something, life sends you a little extra material. Take this line I happened to read in Sanderson's book last night (it's in French, but I'll translate for readers who are not bilingual): "devoir reculer pour mieux sauter." It's an old French expression and it means you have to back up to jump better. See, that's exactly what I was talking about in my last blog entry! And it's exactly what I'm doing with my writing this week. Going back to the beginning, reading through what I've got, so I can take a nice long jump before I move towards the last quarter or so of the manuscript.

On another note altogether, Maclean's Magazine has bought another story idea from me -- this one's on MOTHS. So if any of you have moths in your house, flying around your pantry, or nibbling on your best sweaters -- let me know and I could interview you for my story! What I'm really looking for is moth victims from other places in Canada besides Quebec and Ontario. Okay, I'm off -- time to go backwards again!! 

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