By Monique Polak on Thursday, 06 May 2010
Category: MyBlog

Got Talent? Then Use It!

In today's pic, you'll meet my "Writing for Children" class. Our semester ends today, and those students and I met for the last time yesterday. One of the things I told them is the title of today's blog entry: "Got Talent? Then Use It!"

Though I've taught this class several times before, I've never worked with so talented a group. I think many of them could make it as YA writers if they use their talent and keep writing. And so, I suggested something rather unusual: I asked all the students who might be interested in meeting informally over the summer to put their names on a list. I'm going to distribute that list and leave it to the students to take the next step. I think that for some of them, meeting regularly (say once every month or two) might help motivate them to keep writing. And I've let them know that if they organize a writers' group, I'd like to come too -- not as a teacher this time, but just as a regular member. 

One particularly talented student (I won't say your name, don't worry!) didn't sign up... but after my little pep talk ("Got Talent? Then Use it!"), I was pleased to see she added her name to our list!

Truth is, talent isn't enough. Writers also need to be determined and to keep going even on the rough days. Okay then, this writer has to go back to her pile of correcting. By the end of next week, I should be back at my desk, working again as a full-time writer. I do look forward to being able to concentrate on my fiction, but I'm going to miss all my students. Thanks to the young people in all three of my classes for making this such a happy, satisfying semester. 

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