By Monique Polak on Thursday, 17 February 2011
Category: MyBlog

Lunch With a Young Writer Named Alex

Now I didn't EAT lunch with a young writer named Alex. I SPENT lunchtime with him. That's because I was back at Rosemere High -- doing my fourth of five author visits at the school this winter -- and I'd offered to meet with young writers over the lunch break.

Alex brought me a story he'd written. In it, he tells his own modern version of a Greek myth. We looked over the piece together and I suggested some ways to improve it. One thing I pointed out was that he might use fewer words in some of his sentences. The trick, I told him, is to say what he means to say -- quickly and clearly, without wasting any words.

Alex went on to TELL me two stories: one about his life at school, and one about his life at home. I really liked both stories and encouraged him to start writing the one about school. And you know what? He did! And you know what else? He got his new piece off to a fine start.

So today I want to say three cheers for stories and storytelling! And four cheers for Alex, whose company I much enjoyed at lunch.

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