By Monique Polak on Sunday, 30 December 2012
Category: MyBlog

Meet Nancy Richler -- I Did!

At a holiday luncheon today, I got to hang out with lots of interesting people, including author Nancy Richler. Nancy is the author of four novels, including The Imposter Bride, which recently made the shortlist for the coveted Giller Prize.

Because I am always thinking of you dear blog reader, I asked Nancy for some writing tips that I could share here. Nancy thinks aspiring writers basically need to do one thing: WRITE! Here's how she put it: "When I started, I never waited for an idea. I still don't wait for an idea. I sit down every morning and I say, 'I have to write.' When I was first starting, I'd describe the cup of coffee I was drinking or I'd give myself little assignments like 'Write about an embarrassing moment.' I got used to writing without worrying about where it was going."

Nancy has begun work on her next novel. "Nothing gets easier," she told me -- which made me feel good because that's my experience, too.

Nancy does not work from an outline. "I follow the voice," she said.

So, if finally getting started on that novel you've always wanted to write is on your to-do list for 2013, try listening for the voice of your narrator (or main character) ... and follow it! Thanks, Nancy, for a great chat! Hope our paths cross again soon!

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