By Monique Polak on Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Category: MyBlog

Precious Time to Write

Good morning! So, except for some odds and ends at school, I'm pretty much into full-time writing mode. Ahhhh with five h's!! The only complication is I'm feeling like I kind of have to fight to preserve chunks of writing time. If not, the days'll go by and I won't get done what I so want to do. A phone call here, a chitchat there, and next thing I know -- the morning (or afternoon) has disappeared. I was talking about my feelings about time with my husband this morning -- and he observed that it must be difficult for someone as sociable as me to limit my chitchats and phone calls and visits with friends. I know I'm lucky to have good friends and satisfying connections out there in the world, but even so, the writing is calling to me -- loudly!! And as of yesterday, Orca has tentatively accepted my next book idea. So this blog entry will count for my morning chitchat -- off I go to tinker with my story and see where it wants to take me today!!!
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