By Monique Polak on Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Category: MyBlog

"Bird by Bird"

Today was a pedagogical day at Marianopolis College, meaning the students had a day off and we teachers had to be in for meetings. I went to three presentations -- one was given by my office mate, Mary Frauley. Mary was talking about designing course plans, which doesn't have much to do with what I blog about, but on the sample course plan she handed round there was a quote from American writerAnne Lamott. Well, that reminded me of Anne Lamott's book "Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life." 

In the book, Lamott tells a story about how when she was a little girl, her older brother got quite distressed about a school assignment. He had to do a report about birds and he was feeling overwhelmed. His dad put his arm around his son, and told him, "Bird by bird,  buddy. Just take it bird by bird." Don't you just love that advice? Also, it sounds so nice when you say it out loud -- so comforting: "Bird by bird, buddy."  That's how it is with writing and anything else difficult for that matter. Bird by bird, small step by small step. 

I have to admit, I'm a little meeting-ed out and I might just lie on the couch and read instead of doing any more work today. And by the way, I reread the beginning of my George River manuscript -- and we've still got chemistry. Phew!! Okay then, I've inspired myself... maybe I'll take another look at the manuscript before I head for the couch. Maybe there's time for just one small "bird."  

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