By Monique Polak on Monday, 28 December 2009
Category: MyBlog

Thinking About My Mum

I've been away from the computer for a few days -- not just on account of the holidays, but also because my mum has not been well. She came down with a mysterious virus last week and she's now in hospital here in Montreal. We hope she'll continue to get better, but she has been feeling very weak and disoriented.

So today, I thought I'd tell you a little about my mum. (That's her and my dad with me in today's pic.) You may know that my historical novel, What World Is Left, is based on the story of my mum's experience during the Holocaust. The amazing thing about my mum is despite the misery she went through during the Holocaust, she is (well usually!!) feisty and funny and smart and full of life. I think it's because she is a very resilient person who never ever gave up! I also think her sense of humour has helped her through her toughest times.

Something I don't think I've told you is that when I was in Nunavik earlier this month to promote my new book, The Middle of Everywhere (which is set in Nunavik),  and I mentioned my mum's story, the students were even more interested in that than in the new book. They wanted to hear all about my mum's life in the concentration camp. I think her experience gives all of us who have been through or are experiencing difficulties courage... and when I phoned her during that trip to tell her the students up north were really moved by her story, she was very very pleased. So today, I send you holiday greetings and I wish you good health and courage for the new year ahead.

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