By Monique Polak on Friday, 05 December 2008
Category: MyBlog

Another Day, Another School Visit!

Today, we Moniques went to Laval Liberty High School. It's a huge school -- quite a contrast to Franklin Elementary which we visited yesterday. Today we worked with Abigail Lawrence's Grade Eight English class. They are also part of the Blue Metropolis Literary Foundation's Quebec Roots project. I talked about writing; Monique D discussed photography, focusing on how to shoot a good portrait(avoid the flash whenever possible -- Monique D says the flash is "evil".) Most importantly, we tried to come up with a focus (note that's an important word both for writers and photographers!) for the students' work. I was taking notes on the board, helping the students to write an impromptu group poem -- and they raised the subject of rumours. We Moniques thought that was a very cool idea -- one that many teens could relate to. Rumours, these students told us, are fun, but rumours can also be dangerous. It felt like all of us needed to think about the topic a little more... it will have to be delicately handled, that's for sure. But precisely because it's a sensitive topic that affects so many young people, it's probably a really good idea. What do YOU think? Have a good weekend wherever you are. Happy reading and writing!!
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