By Monique Polak on Tuesday, 08 September 2009
Category: MyBlog

It's a Two Interview Kind of a Day!

Usually, I'm the one who does the interviewing -- but not today. Today, I'm being interviewed not once, but twice. The first interview just happened and it was for 570 News, a radio stationin the Waterloo-Kitchener area of Ontario. Gary Doyle, host of the Gary Doyle Show, wanted to talk to me about my article in Maclean's Magazine --the one about how some dads take it hard (harder even than their wives) when their kids leave home. Must say I had a fun conversation with Gary -- it didn't even feel like an interview, more like a chat. I'm going to post a link here to the station, in case you want to check later and see if you can find the link to today's show... though of course, I was only on air for about five minutes. (But maybe you're one of my old students and you MISS hearing my cheerful voice ASSIGNING YOU HOMEWORK!!, especially now that I'm on sabbatical!!!)

Tonight's interview is going to be more serious. Ottawa librarian Derrick Grose is going to interview me about my book What World Is Left -- the book that is based on my mother's experience in a Nazi concentration camp. The interview is for School Libraries in Canada. It's going to be a web interview (I believe it will be available before Remembrance Day), and because there isn't a camera on my computer, I'll do the interview at my neighbours' house. (Thanks Dorothy and Ron! I've promised Dorothy a lychee martini afterwards!)

And in between all this excitement, I'm a-writing-away... got a slow start this morning, but I'm going back to my manuscript now. Hope you're enjoying your day today, too. "Flo" (that's what I've been calling the little  we-think-probably-homeless black and white cat who's hanging around my neighbourhood) is going to see the vet on Thursday. He needs his vaccinations and a flea treatment -- and then in a couple of weeks, he has to be neutered. Because I have bad allergies to cats and dogs, I don't think I can let him live with us... but I am getting more and more attached to the handsome fellow. And I think he's getting attached to us, too, though his feelings may have more to do with catfood than our swell personalities!!

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