By Monique Polak on Friday, 28 January 2011
Category: MyBlog

Lots to Tell You About My Day at Honore Mercier School!

Hello, hello, dear blog readers! So I'm just back from a happy busy day at Honoré Mercier School in St. Leonard. In fact, I've got so much to tell you that I hardly know where to begin! But, as I was telling the students today, every story needs a beginning, so here goes: The first thing I saw at Honoré Mercier were some amazing posters made by students in Grade Five. (You can see the posters and the students who made them in the second of today's pics. Honestly, I think some of the posters are just as nice as the covers on some of my books!)

In the first pic, you will meet Gabriele. I was on the look-out for him all day since his big brother Marco is one of my students at Marianopolis. And Gabriele looks like Marco, too! So I made sure to get a pic of the two of us -- we wanted to surprise Marco when he next checks out this blog! (Hi Marco!!)

The students at Honore Mercier are really focused, well-behaved and smart. I even worked with kids in pre-K and kindergarten -- and they were keen to learn about how writers need to be observant. I think they enjoyed when I asked them to share their observations about the gym where I was doing my talks. One boy noticed how the floor had a particular smell! And you know what else was fun about talking to the littlest kids? THEY CAME ROUND TO HUG ME AFTERWARDS!! You can be sure this does not happen at college!!!

Here are some other highlights of my day. The girls in Grades One and Two were wearing some amazing headbands. One of them was pink with sparkles -- I must say it made me wish I was young again and could wear such a dazzling hairband! Speaking of smells, when I was receiving hugs from the K and pre-K students, I noticed how one boy's T-shirt smelled of delicious fresh-washed laundry!! During the period before lunch, the Grades 3 and 4 students had many terrific questions and comments. Massimo wanted to know if I write on a computer or by hand. (The answer is both. Sometimes, I find that if I'm getting a little stuck on the computer, it helps to switch to writing by hand.) When I was talking about how I sometimes get good ideas when I am waking up or falling asleep, a clever student named Seth came up with a new word: "sleepwriting." Hey, Seth, I love that word!! Another student named Tyler said: "I've tried writing a book and it's a lot of hard work." Good for you, Tyler! You sound like a true writer. It is hard work and you mustn't let that stop you. I, for one, enjoy hard work. In fact, if things are too easy, I get tired of them quickly.

I finished my day with the Grades 5 and 6 students. They were a delightful audience and I didn't need to train them in good body language. Almost all of them were taking notes and looking interested.

A special thank you to librarian Mr. Walter for inviting me to the school. Principal Mrs. Manos (do you know she was named Principal of the Year?) really encourages students to do their best in both the arts and sciences. Thanks also to vice-principal Mrs. Sammarco for helping to organize Literacy Week. And a special thank you to Angelina Di Zanno, a parent volunteer at the school, who was my chaperone all day, and whom I feel as if I've known a lot longer than just a day!!

To my new friends at Honoré Mercier, enjoy the privilege of going to such a dynamic school where so many good things are happening. Remember -- stay out of trouble! But if trouble ever strikes, remember you can use it in your stories. Stay in touch. Happy reading and writing!!

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