By Monique Polak on Friday, 03 July 2009
Category: MyBlog

Special Gifts

I have found that when I am hard at work on a project (the way I am now), life has a way of serving up special gifts (though they are not the sort of gifts that come in wrapped packages!). For example,  I am thinking a lot these days about miracles (one of the subjects I am exploring in my new manuscript)... well yesterday, I happened to turn on the car radio and there was a man being interviewed about his experience at Lourdes in France, where people go to pray for miracles. Then last week, I met up with the son of some old friends of mine and he told me he had also been to Lourdes. 

Now what are the chances of that?

Have I told you I am on sabbatical from my teaching job until January? It's great to have this long delicious stretch of writing time, but you know what? I think I will get lonesome for my students!! More from me in a few days' time. Hey, another thing I nearly forgot to tell you: I'm going to be blogging about books on the Gazette website starting July 9. It's part of a trend to get newspaper readers onto the web. Check it out at:

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