By Monique Polak on Friday, 15 February 2008
Category: MyBlog

Still in my Pajamas!!

I know it's shocking, especially for someone my age, but I'm still in my pajamas -- actually, in my case, it's a nightgown. The thing is, it's already 2 P.M. But don't think I've been lounging around like some middle-aged lady of leisure -- no sirree! I've been marking and marking and I just just finished my profile of Meg Rosoff. And now, I'm feeling like maybe I shouldventure out into the real world. I have some errands to RUN (I'm thinking of doing them while I'm out on a run) and I have to un-shovel my car, which is pretty much buried under a small mountain of snow. Well then, that's about all I have to report about the writing life for today. Truth is,  I haven't done much writing today... guess I'm getting to that point of the semester when there's going to be more and more schoolwork to do. Oh well, sometimes I think it's better not to fight your circumstances. Which is why I've stayed in my pajamas, I mean nightgown so long today. But the sky is looking nice and blue out there. Sometimes what a writer needs most is a little fresh air!! Have a great weekend wherever you are!! Hey, I think I was so busy yesterday, I forgot to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day. Here's something to cheer you up in case you don't have the perfect Valentine: loneliness makes for a much more interesting story than some story about having the perfect valentine!! And we readers far prefer to read about imperfect people in imperfect situations anyway. So get writing!!
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