monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

2 minutes reading time (363 words)

Changing Gears

Only time for a super quick blog entry today. Lots going on here! For one thing, I've got five English teachers from Marianopolis coming for lunch. We're celebrating my office partner's birthday. It's a big number -- but I'm not allowed to say what that number is. In fact, when I head out for my run in a few minutes, I want to buy two of those candles with numbers on them -- a two and a nine -- so we can act like she's only 29 today!

Kim, you've been asking about my story about waiting. Well, it's in today's National Post and they did a great illustration to go with it. Here's the link if you want to check it out:

I know I said I'd talk a little today about why I love children's stories (and music),  but I'm afraid that'll have to wait for another blog entry. You see, I got an e-mail message yesterday from Sarah Harvey, the teen fiction editor at Orca Book Publishers in Victoria and she's ready to begin the editing work on my Holocaust book!! Yippee!! I'm very excited since this book means so much to me. (I've said this before, but in case you're new to the blog, it's a novel based on my mum's experience in a Nazi concentration camp.) So Sarah and I are having a "phone meeting" today at five -- and I have to spend some time preparing. For one thing, I need to reread the book, since I haven't looked at it in a few months. I hate not to work on the George River project, so if I possibly can, I'll try to squeeze in a little time on that too, today. The thing is: I'm getting awfully close to the polar bear's appearance. So far, he's just a white presence lurking in the low bushes (in Nunavik, what bushes there are are really low since they're so close to the tree line). Okay then, off I go to run, maybe make soup for my guests, prepare for the meeting, and meet my polar bear!! Hope you're having a good day wherever you are. Watch out for polar bears!! 

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Major Rewrite Ahead!!
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning to You...


Guest - Tamar on Tuesday, 08 January 2008 18:22

Happy birthday Ms. Frauley!!!
Enjoy your party
I am looking forward to reading your holocaust story since my grandmother and late grandfather and their families are holocaust survivors and I myself saw what remains of the death camps and concentration camps in poland.

Happy birthday Ms. Frauley!!! Enjoy your party :) I am looking forward to reading your holocaust story since my grandmother and late grandfather and their families are holocaust survivors and I myself saw what remains of the death camps and concentration camps in poland.
Guest - Kim on Tuesday, 08 January 2008 19:05

Happy birthday Miss. Frauley!!
I can't wait to read your article on waiting (I've waited long enough!!), except right now I'm in the Robotics workshop and I should be writing up our week 1 report, not be reading blogs!
I'm also looking forward to reading your Holocaust story, because the only views I've had of it were very general, never personal. Often, it was just a short explanation.
By the way, I'm also looking forward to reading what your poor main character in the George River story is going through... it seems like you're putting him through hard times! I know I wouldn't want to encounter a polar bear... especially not since their skin isn't really penetrated by bullets, is it

Happy birthday Miss. Frauley!! I can't wait to read your article on waiting (I've waited long enough!!), except right now I'm in the Robotics workshop and I should be writing up our week 1 report, not be reading blogs! :D I'm also looking forward to reading your Holocaust story, because the only views I've had of it were very general, never personal. Often, it was just a short explanation. By the way, I'm also looking forward to reading what your poor main character in the George River story is going through... it seems like you're putting him through hard times! I know I wouldn't want to encounter a polar bear... especially not since their skin isn't really penetrated by bullets, is it ;)
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