monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (234 words)

Going Downhill!

Well, hello there! I'm writing to you from the town of Westport, New York. I can't find my reading glasses so I might make some typing errors. My husband and I are on a bike trip. We were attemptingto do the perimeter of Lake Champlain, but it looks like we won't make it all the way around. I am, it turns out, not a very great biker. Plus it's been really hot and HILLY! Which is why I called today's blog entry Going Downhill. Usually people use that expression when things are going badly, but when you are biking in the Adirondacks, it is EXCELLENT to GO DOWNHILL!!

We spent last Saturday in Georgeville, Quebec, where I did a writing workshop for kids in the morning and a talk for adults in the afternoon at an artists' cooperative called Studio Georgeville. I've got a whole set of notes about the day, but since they are at the bottom of my bike basket, I'll wait till we're home to tell you how all that went. But it was fun -- and I hope the participants learned something from my presentations. Also many thanks to my friend, filmmaker and photographer Louise Abbott, for helping to organize the day.... So I wish you smooth biking or walking or working or whatever it is you are up to this week!! Here's to going downhill when you need it most!!!

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