monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (218 words)

Handsome Editor Visits My Journalism Class

Now why, you may be wondering, would a happily married woman like myself notice that an editor who was visiting her Journalism class is handsome? Don't worry -- he's my husband!

My husband, Mike, is an associate managing editor at the Montreal Gazette and yesterday, he agreed to drop by my Journalism class at Marianopolis College to tell students a little about the work he does. 

Though Mike and I often "talk shop," it was somehow different watching him interract with my students and share writing tips with them (Mike was a reporter before he got into editing). I jotted down some of the best stuff he said. One student asked Mike how he used to react if he got stuck writing a story; Mike told him, "If you're not happy with what you write, keep spitting it out. If you're having trouble with the first paragraph, skip it, and go to the second. Try not to edit yourself when you're writing." Later, Mike drew an interesting comparison between an editor's job and the work a carpenter does: "Editing is like smoothing out a piece of wood."

So perhaps you can tell that I don't only love Mike because he's handsome,  but also because he's smart and has a way with words. Ahh, the power of language to sway our hearts!

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Passing On My Opa's Advice
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