monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

3 minutes reading time (675 words)

Happy Day at Kuper Academy


You'd probably expect a writer who just got home from doing FIVE sessions with students at Kuper Academy would be ready for a nap, but hey, I'm full of energy. I think that's because instead of tiring me out, the kids I worked with today gave me the best kind of buzz!

Okay, so you're wondering about today's pics. In the first one, I am in the library with a student named Justin. Justin had heard me speak in Miss Machaca's class, where I mentioned that writers need to be careful observers of life around them. When I finished up in Miss Machaca's classroom, I was chatting with another of her students, when I noticed that Justin was well... waiting around. So I asked him, "Do you have a question for me?" -- and he answered, "No, I'm just following one of your tips!" That was when I figured out Justin was OBSERVING! (Nothing makes a visiting author happier than knowing young writers are following her advice!!)

There is lots more I can tell you about today's visit, but I'm going to give you a few highlights. If you are one of my regular blog readers, you'll know that I have started work on a new project involving school rules. That's why I took the second pic. It's the plastic basket you find on every teacher's desk at Kuper. When students come in, they deposit their cellphones in the basket. Clever idea, no? Maybe I should get them to try it at Marianopolis College!! Anyway, it's an interesting approach to the cellphone-in-the-classroom problem... and maybe I can find a way to work it into my new story. See? That's what we writers do... spend our days collecting material, the way a bird collects stuff to build a nest.

A happy moment from my day: I was telling the students about my opa, who inspired the character of the father in my historical novel What World Is Left. I explained that during the Holocaust, my Opa had to compromise his own priniciples in order to protect his family. Then I told the class, "May the rest of us never find ourselves in a similar situation." At just that moment, I happened to look at a student named Tyus and Tyus gave me a small nod. But that nod (you may know I have an obsession with body language) showed me that Tyus is smart and has a big heart -- and that he understood exactly what I meant.

I also collect possible names for future characters. So you can imagine my pleasure when a student told me her name is Love. And she has three sisters named Faith, Hope and Peace. Love, if you're reading this, I think you need to write a story about you four sisters and whether you live up to your names. I am wondering for instance ... does a girl named Peace ever get into a fight?

Another observation: I met a student named Melina who has two pencilcases. One is for pens and pencils; the other is for other stuff like her erasers and calculator. As a writer, I am always on the hunt for interesting details ... that double pencilcase situation might make it into my bird's nest, too!

And you can imagine that I was impressed by a student named Jack, whom when I told his class that I have been writing three pages in a journal every day for 20 years (except for one day when I had a terrible flu), Jack raised his hand and said, "That means you wrote, 219,897 pages!" And Jack didn't even use his calculator to figure that one out.

I'll be doing two more visits to Kuper this month. Watch the blog for more reports.

Special thanks to teachers Mr. Welik, Miss Machaca, and Mr. D, for sharing their classes with me; to librarian Mrs. Mohammed for inviting me back to Kuper; and to my new pal, Mrs. Katz, for the excellent company during my break!






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Highlights of Today's Visit to Kuper Academy
Further Adventures of the Lunch Bunch


Guest - secret on Thursday, 05 February 2015 22:54

Had a great time with you, and sharing your story!! Looking forward on seeing you in the up-coming classes

Had a great time with you, and sharing your story!! Looking forward on seeing you in the up-coming classes :D
Guest - Unknown on Friday, 06 February 2015 01:06

It was interesting, I always wanted to create stories. Become a director.

It was interesting, I always wanted to create stories. Become a director.
Guest - it's a secret on Friday, 06 February 2015 01:49

It was very inspiring ! As soon as I got home I started on my memories of grade 4 and I got so in to it that I wrote about 1 1/2 pages .

It was very inspiring ! As soon as I got home I started on my memories of grade 4 and I got so in to it that I wrote about 1 1/2 pages . :o
Guest - Olivia on Friday, 06 February 2015 01:54

Your visit to Kuper was incredibly inspiring! You mentioned in one of your lectures to my class (I'm in secondary five) that 98% of people who mention that they want to publish a novel do not read and write. I was incredibly proud to say that I do both. I've been keeping a journal since I was six years old, and I'm currently sixteen, so you can imagine that I have an incredibly large collection. Recently, I had a loss of motivation to finish a story that I had been writing, but you inspired me to come up with a detailed ending. I just want to thank you so much; you really taught me a lot and helped me tailor my writing process!

Your visit to Kuper was incredibly inspiring! You mentioned in one of your lectures to my class (I'm in secondary five) that 98% of people who mention that they want to publish a novel do not read and write. I was incredibly proud to say that I do both. I've been keeping a journal since I was six years old, and I'm currently sixteen, so you can imagine that I have an incredibly large collection. Recently, I had a loss of motivation to finish a story that I had been writing, but you inspired me to come up with a detailed ending. I just want to thank you so much; you really taught me a lot and helped me tailor my writing process!
Guest - Love M on Friday, 06 February 2015 03:30

Thank you so much for coming in today! I've always wanted to write (not novels but poems and such) and I never knew how to but now I can! So thank you so much
I will forever keep using those tips

Thank you so much for coming in today! I've always wanted to write (not novels but poems and such) and I never knew how to but now I can! So thank you so much I will forever keep using those tips
Guest - Daniel on Friday, 06 February 2015 20:25

SEE U NEXT THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[b][i][u]AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D SEE U NEXT THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u][/i][/b]
Guest - Adam Rudolph on Friday, 06 February 2015 20:32

I enjoyed you visiting our school. Your tips about writing were exquisite and i will keep on using them. I read your book 'What World Is Left'; loved it!!! Hope to see you in our class soon. (P.S... I hope you get well soon)

I enjoyed you visiting our school. Your tips about writing were exquisite and i will keep on using them. I read your book 'What World Is Left'; loved it;):D!!! Hope to see you in our class soon. (P.S... I hope you get well soon)
Guest - Justin Cardona (website) on Friday, 06 February 2015 20:34

Thanks for putting my photo
I really enjoyed your visit, you gave some very useful tips
We all appreciate you spending your time to help us
I always hoped for writing in my future and now I feel closer
Thanks again

Thanks for putting my photo I really enjoyed your visit, you gave some very useful tips We all appreciate you spending your time to help us:) I always hoped for writing in my future and now I feel closer Thanks again -Justin
Guest - faye on Friday, 06 February 2015 21:47

Thank you for coming to visit. I learned some amazing tips can't wait to see you again

Thank you for coming to visit. I learned some amazing tips can't wait to see you again:)
Guest - Monique (website) on Saturday, 07 February 2015 02:11

Hey you guys -- thanks for those messages! Secret, Unknown, It's a secret, Olivia, Love, Daniel, Adam, Justin and Faye... you made my day, no, you made my week with your comments! See you on Tuesday (not THursday)! Monique

Hey you guys -- thanks for those messages! Secret, Unknown, It's a secret, Olivia, Love, Daniel, Adam, Justin and Faye... you made my day, no, you made my week with your comments! See you on Tuesday (not THursday)! Monique
Guest - Arshveen on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 02:31

Hi thank you for coming I learned a lot about writing and things I could use and real life like never give up thank you and I think it would be a cool idea to work on the four corner idea

Hi thank you for coming I learned a lot about writing and things I could use and real life like never give up thank you and I think it would be a cool idea to work on the four corner idea :)
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