monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (289 words)

Heading Out for a Run... and to think about my story

Hello, out there! Just a short entry, but it's about something I think is an important topic: how writers like me get our ideas. I find, and I've heard this from other writers, too, that my best ideas don't necessarily come while I'm sitting in front of the computer screen. 
I'm a bit of an exercise nut (I try to workout every day, either by going for a run or doing weightsat the YMCA near my house)... but I don't just work out for the physical benefits. I work out because it's part of how I get my best ideas. Running is especially good. That's why, when I run, I always carry paper and a pen with me (in this smart little waterproof pouch that straps around my arm). I've also found swimming is a good time to get ideas -- but writing them down underwater is a bit more challenging!! And before I sign off for the day, I'm going to tell you about another good place to get ideas. Are you ready? Don't laugh, okay? 
THE SHOWER!! And it's not just me. I've heard this from other writers, too. Sometimes, when I'm in the shower, I actually hear my characters talking (I know this sounds crazy, but it's actually a very good thing for a writer to hear her characters talking). When that happens, I jump out of the shower, wrap myself in a towel, and rush to my office (it's next to the bathroom, fortunately) to write down what it is I heard my characters saying. 
In my next blog entry, I'll tell you about napping and creativity. In the mean time, when you take your shower tonight or tomorrow morning, see if any creative ideas come  to you!! 
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Guest - Anita on Friday, 16 November 2007 13:07

Tub time is good idea time for me, Monique. So when I think to myself, "Oh, go soak your head!" I'm actually being good to myself :-)

Tub time is good idea time for me, Monique. So when I think to myself, "Oh, go soak your head!" I'm actually being good to myself :-)
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