monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (249 words)

Nice News Sometimes Comes Just When You Need It...

Have you ever noticed that nice news sometimes comes just when you need it?

It's been a challenging week. My mum (wonderful woman whom some of you have had the good fortune of meeting -- she's the subject of my novel What World Is Left and has occasionally come to do talks with me) has been pretty sick. She was hospitalized earlier this week, but thank goodness, she was released yesterday... so things were already looking up. (Note to young readers here: APPRECIATE your mum and dad, if you are lucky enough to have them. Sure they sometimes drive us crazy, but no matter what, we love them, right?!)

Anyway... on to the other nice news. I just happened to be reading the Montreal Gazette this morning and guess what I found out? My most recent novel The Middle of Everywhere has been nominated for the 2010 Quebec Writers' Federation Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature.

Last year, when What World Is Left was nominated for the prize, I knew in advance... so when I was reading the article, I was already half-grumpy, thinking for sure I  hadn't made the shortlist and anticipating a little grumpiness this morning. But then I scanned the story and my eyes landed on my name. So, all this to say, sometimes nice news comes at just the right time in just the right way. Hope there's nice news coming your way, too. Life sure is a mix of things, isn't it?


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World Watches Dramatic Rescue Story


Monique Polak on Monday, 18 October 2010 15:35

Dear Jade, Oh my, that is very tough news to deal with. I can understand that you must be really sad and upset and confused. I hope there is someone there for you to talk things out with, like a counselor at school. Also, and this is the writer in me speaking, but maybe it would help to let your feelings out in a journal. Let me know how you are doing. If you prefer, you can email me directly at -- that way your comments will not appear on the blog. Courage! thinking of you, Monique

Dear Jade, Oh my, that is very tough news to deal with. I can understand that you must be really sad and upset and confused. I hope there is someone there for you to talk things out with, like a counselor at school. Also, and this is the writer in me speaking, but maybe it would help to let your feelings out in a journal. Let me know how you are doing. If you prefer, you can email me directly at -- that way your comments will not appear on the blog. Courage! thinking of you, Monique
Guest - Rina Singh on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 10:36

It's wonderful to see your title being recommended in the TD Children's book giveaway- Caramba.
500,000 kids will see this recommendation. Way to go! Always proud of you.

It's wonderful to see your title being recommended in the TD Children's book giveaway- Caramba. 500,000 kids will see this recommendation. Way to go! Always proud of you. Rina
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