monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (280 words)

Special Afternoon

Today was a special afternoon because I met up with Sapina, one of the students I worked with in Nunavik in the winter of 2007. As you may know if you've been keeping up with my blog, I've spent most of this summer working on a YA novel set in Nunavik. And Sapina has agreed to be my first reader. YESSS!

I met Sapina at the Lionel Groulx metro station. Oh, I forgot to tell you somethingimportant -- now that Sapina has finished high school, she has been chosen to attend CEGEP in the Montreal area. (This explains why she's in town.) Sapina was with two other friends from Nunavik, also going to school here: Julie-Anne and Vanessa. Julie-Anne thinks she might like to become a social worker; Vanessa would like to become a pilot (she's already completed one year of pilot's training in Cornwall, Ontario); and Sapina thinks she might like to teach Grade Three. Anyway, we had lunch together at the Atwater Market and then we did some errands downtown. All three girls want to read my book. I really need their feedback so that I can use it when I write the next draft. Julie-Anne was born in Labrador, but she spent a year in George River (where my novel is set). Here's what she had to say about George River: "I love it there. The people are so kind." Good place to set a novel, no?
Okay then, off I go. My mum and dad are coming for a barbecue dinner in 59 minutes (they're always on time) and I haven't exactly started the preparations. Have a good weekend wherever you are!! Signed, speed demon cook!!
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