monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

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Teleconference with St. Willibrord Students

I'm just home from a teleconference that photographer Monique Dykstra and I did with Kelly Ryan's class at St. Willibrord School in Chateauguay. (Last time, we visited the class in person; today we went to a special educational technology centre in Laval and had a "virtual" meeting with the students.) First, "the other Monique" (that's what we call each other) gavestudents feedback on photos they have taken for their project (they are contributing to a book that a team of writers and photographers are helping them produce). I love learning about photography from Monique D. Today, she told students that the flash is "evil" -- she believes that whenever possible, photographers should avoid using a flash. Very interesting!!

I took over during the second half of the video-conference. St. Willibrord students have begun writing about local heroes in their community. Here's the advice I gave them: use quotes to bring your characters to life; get specific details and try to find a little humour in your stories. I have a feeling they're going to do a great job. Okay, I've got an hour till I have to be at Marianopolis. I'm heading to George River -- in my imagination, anyway!

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Guest - Kim on Thursday, 21 February 2008 23:32

I never thought of avoiding using the flash for photos... well, I have purposely taken it off in some cases, but, more often than not, I find that photos without the flash tend to be blurred. Another tip I've been given is to avoid having the subject(s) stare directly at the lens, and look elsewhere, instead.
I once took part in a videoconference... it was with a group of students in South Africa and I was impressed by the ease with which we could communicate with people an ocean apart from us. One of the most interesting things I realized was that even though we were a world apart, teenagers are all pretty much alike
Hopefully you had a nice day in Laval, Châteauguay and George River today... oh, and in Westmount, too!

I never thought of avoiding using the flash for photos... well, I have purposely taken it off in some cases, but, more often than not, I find that photos without the flash tend to be blurred. Another tip I've been given is to avoid having the subject(s) stare directly at the lens, and look elsewhere, instead. I once took part in a videoconference... it was with a group of students in South Africa and I was impressed by the ease with which we could communicate with people an ocean apart from us. One of the most interesting things I realized was that even though we were a world apart, teenagers are all pretty much alike :D Hopefully you had a nice day in Laval, Châteauguay and George River today... oh, and in Westmount, too! ;)
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