monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

3 minutes reading time (513 words)

Whirlwind Day in Ottawa

Hello, hello blog readers! I'm just back from a whirlwind day in Ottawa. This morning, I did a talk for Grades 5 and 6 students at Severn Public School. Those kids were dynamite! When I advised students to learn their grandparents' secrets, Alexandria told me she knows everything about her grandmother -- except her age. (I thought that was pretty funny!) A student named John demonstrated that he really thinks like a writer. I told the students how in my book Junkyard Dog, the owner of a guard dog decides to get rid of his dog in a cruel way. Without telling you too much (I don't want to spoil the book for you!), the owner arranges things so that another person will be responsible for the dog's sad end. John said: "Imagine how that person would feel!" EXACTLY THE KIND OF QUESTION A WRITER NEEDS TO ASK!! (That's because writing requires us to get into other people's heads!)

Both my talks today were organized by Jessica Roy of the Ottawa Public Library. Thanks, Jessica, for the invite (and the company). Thanks also to Severn P.S. teacher Jody Fillion who decided her students needed to meet me!!

After lunch, I headed to the Ottawa Public Library's Beaverbrook branch. There, I was welcomed by librarian Patricia Skarzynski. And soon, I was working with a very lively group -- Miss Riddell's Grade 12 English class at Earl of March High School (conveniently located across from the library!). Plus there were two younger students in the group (Elizabeth and Simi), both of whom are being home-schooled, and were there with their mums, which I thought was really fun (being a fan of mums and a mum  myself!).

In today's pic, you see me with (from left to right) Stef, Ben, and next to me, Elizabeth. I had an hour with my second group and though I moved with my usual speed, I found they were able to keep up and follow my sometimes zany thoughts. Though I did forget to tell them how I get some of my best writing ideas in the SHOWER. (Ben promised he'd tell that to the rest of the class when he sees them next. Don't forget, Ben!)

After that presentation, there was time for an informal chat (over Timbits). A student named Reegan told me that her friend Christine "is good at writing, but she doesn't think so." I told Christine that that sounds like a description of a real writer, too. I think it's helpful NOT to think we're the best writers ever... that humility brings us back to the page every day so that we can continue to practice our craft and hopefully continue to improve and get closer to achieving our goal -- transforming our thoughts and feelings about what matters most into words!

So, here's to all my new friends in Ottawa. Happy reading and writing to all of you. And remember, stay out of trouble -- but if trouble has come your way, well then, USE IT IN A STORY. Thanks for a great day!!

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