monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

2 minutes reading time (457 words)

Double Trouble!!

DSC_9734.jpgIMG_3131.jpgThis seems to be my week for hanging out with twins! In today's pics, you'll meet two pairs offraternal twins. The pair at the bottom who are in Grade Six at Ecole de l'Envolée in Blainville, Quebec, where I did an author visit today.

These students are part of a special three-month English immersion program at the school and teacher Normand Bélair came up with the idea of introducing the students to an author who writes in English -- me!

This was my first time working with English immersion classes -- and it was fun. Even though it's close to the end of the year and other kids were out in the schoolyard playing ball, I had a surprisingly attentive audience. Several came up with great similes (a simile, in case you've forgotten or never known it, is a comparison using "like" or "as"). I pointed out that when most of us hear the words "round as..." we automatically think of the word "ball." So I challenged the students to come up with more original comparisons. Alyson said "round as a bubble"; Tommy Lee said "round as a cookie"; and Olivier came up with my favourite -- a very Canadian answer -- "round as a hockey puck"!!

Now back to the subject of twins. I have a great story for you today: Last night was Marianopolis graduation. When one of my students came onto the stage (let's call him Daniel D), I was kind of shocked to realize it wasn't him! It was his twin brother (let's call him Ari D). Though the two young men are not identical, they look pretty darn identical to me (check out the first picture in today's blog entry to see for yourself)!! Well, at the reception afterwards, the person I'm calling Daniel D confessed that he occasionally was too sleepy to attend my 8:15 A.M. class last semester -- and so? Can you guess the end of this story?

HE SENT HIS BROTHER!! Well, the brother (whom I've been calling Ari D), told me he enjoyed my class, too! Now, what if I told you that Daniel D was once too tired to write his test and so he got Ari D to write it instead... and what if I told you Ari D got a miserable mark on that test... and the teacher thought to herself, "This student did so badly it's hard to believe he was even in my class!!"? Would you believe that story? Or would you think, no way, it's that fiction writer making things up again!!

Now, wouldn't this make an amazing story -- two twins (let's make them identical) who occasionally impersonate each other!? What do you think? Hey you twins out there, you'd better start taking notes! 

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Report from Hebrew Academy


Guest - tamar on Saturday, 19 June 2010 11:59

I actually knew about that but forgot until I read it here...

hahahaha! I actually knew about that but forgot until I read it here... :D
Guest - Chi on Sunday, 04 July 2010 00:16

Hope you and your family are doing well. I have enjoyed reading your blog.

Hope you and your family are doing well. I have enjoyed reading your blog.
Guest - Maïté on Saturday, 17 July 2010 19:08

Un petit commentaire en français pour le plaisir de Monique
J'ADORE la première photo avec les "twins" vous êtes magnifiques et ta robe à fleurs est merveilleuse.
Monique, j'ai toujours adoré ton blog mais en étant actuellement à Bruxelles, je suis encore plus heureuse de pouvoir suivre tes activités presque quotidiennes à distance. Merci!

Concernant les histoires de jumeaux: Noam a un bon ami, Jérôme, dont la maman a une sœur jumelle. Quand Jérôme devait avoir un peu moins d'un an, la sœur de sa maman est venu le chercher dans son lit juste après la sieste, il était ravi et tout heureux jusqu'au moment où il a aperçu sa vrai maman dans le salon. Il a regardé les deux présumées mamans et est rentré dans une grande colère. Il pensait avoir été berné par les deux "mamans" jumelles

À tout bientôt! Monique on t'attend à Bruxelles dès le mois d'août.

Un petit commentaire en français pour le plaisir de Monique;) J'ADORE la première photo avec les "twins" vous êtes magnifiques et ta robe à fleurs est merveilleuse. Monique, j'ai toujours adoré ton blog mais en étant actuellement à Bruxelles, je suis encore plus heureuse de pouvoir suivre tes activités presque quotidiennes à distance. Merci! Concernant les histoires de jumeaux: Noam a un bon ami, Jérôme, dont la maman a une sœur jumelle. Quand Jérôme devait avoir un peu moins d'un an, la sœur de sa maman est venu le chercher dans son lit juste après la sieste, il était ravi et tout heureux jusqu'au moment où il a aperçu sa vrai maman dans le salon. Il a regardé les deux présumées mamans et est rentré dans une grande colère. Il pensait avoir été berné par les deux "mamans" jumelles;) À tout bientôt! Monique on t'attend à Bruxelles dès le mois d'août.
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