monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (236 words)

Louis Sachar Comes to Dinner

YA author Louis Sachar -- best known for his book Holes -- had dinner at our house last night.

So in today's blog entry. I will answer your burning questions!

What did he eat? Asian salmon and for dessert, homemade cherry pie with vanilla ice cream.

What was he like? Super nice, and down-to-earth. Funny, but in an understated way.

What did he say about writing? A lot!! He says he writes about six or seven drafts of each book. He doesn't discuss a work-in-progress with anyone, not even his wife or daughter -- or dog (he has a mutt named Watson that he loves a lot). Generally, when he submits his final draft to his editor, there are few substantive changes. And you know what? Even Louis gets discouraged sometimes. Most days, he doesn't feel like he's doing such great work. Here's what he told me: "It always amazes me that all these worthless days add up to the something." (I wrote that down on a napkin for you, dear blog reader!)

Last weekend, Louis was in town reading from his latest novel, The Cardturner. I asked him, when the audience was chuckling every second sentence, if he felt like he was a big deal. And you know what he said? "I didn't feel like I was a big deal. But I liked it!"

So here's to Louis -- his work, his inspiring example and his sweet self! 


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Revision Time
Meet Louis Sachar! (I Did!!)


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