monique polak

Monique Polak's Books

1 minute reading time (211 words)

Meet Allie Brennan

I’ve been home from the Yukon – where I was lucky enough to travel for this year’s TD Canadian Children’s Week – for a couple of weeks, but my heart is still there. So I decided to do a couple of blog entries about some of the interesting, creative folks I met when I was there.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to author and graphic designer Allie Brennan. Allie, who’s 29, grew up in Saskatchewan, but moved to the Yukon three years ago. She works doing graphic design for the Whitehore Star. But she is also a busy YA author who has recently completed her tenth YA novel. So far, Allie’s novels are self-published, and her titles include Under the Dusty Sky and Tight Knit.

I met Allie when I was doing a book signing at Mac’s Fireweed, Whitehorse’s friendly neighbourhood bookstore. (That’s where this picture of us was taken.) I asked Allie what advice she has for aspiring authors. Here’s what she said: “Just write all the time. Keep writing. Every time you write something, you get better. And you also have to know when to let something go.”

Thanks, Allie, for that wise advice. Wishing you lots of luck – and fun adventures -- in your writing journey!

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